Monday, February 4, 2013

Spools and Spools and Spools

My week in ceramics has been composed of mainly spool casting. My goal still stands at 200 new spools to add to the ones I already have. 

 Progress! (I require 2-3 tables in the studio to be productive...)
And if taking up space in the studio were not enough, I have also set up studio in my kitchen, which seems to work fairly well. Having two molds makes the process move so much more quickly!

To help keep my sanity and improve my throwing skills, I have been trying to make mugs and tea sets for my family. The mug below is my pride and joy of the semester so far, my handles, however, are going to need some serious practice (note the sad handle at the bottom of the image). Thank you, Rebeka Trapp, for letting me steal yours!

This week will be another week of mold-casting, installation site hunting, and practice on the wheel. Pictures to follow!